Learn about spinal cord injuries
When an injury or disease to the spinal cord occurs, the connection between mind and body is broken.
From movement and sensation to continence, breathing and more, every aspect of the human existence can be affected.
But there is hope.
Although until recently it was felt that any repair of the spinal cord was impossible, we have made huge advances over the last 40 years in our understanding of spinal cord injury.
And for the first time in history, we are now seeing a new generation of treatments which will help restore vital functions for those living with paralysis. These are crucial steps on the pathway to cure paralysis.

About spinal cord injury
Find out more about how the body responds to a spinal cord injury.
Spinal cord injury and me
Powerful stories from recently injured and those living with paralysis.
Community stories
Our community is driving us find a cure for paralysis.FAQs

Spinal cord injuries are life changing, and often occur in an instant. Our FAQ section may help you understand more about spinal cord injury, and paralysis.
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Our research
Our research is helping develop life changing treatments for paralysis.

Meet our scientists
We are working with some of the world's leading scientists to accelerate new treatments.

Take part in research
With trial opportunities increasing, you could play your part in developing new research