Laura’s story

Laura sustained a spinal cord injury in 2020, and her advice to anyone with an SCI is to "work hard and keep trying"

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My name is Laura Burdick, and I sustained my injury on May 29, 2020. I was 32 years old and worked in the health and wellness field. I was the manager of yoga & Pilates studios and a health coach. To say that I placed a lot of value on what a body can achieve physically is an understatement. My injury occurred in a car accident as I was hit by a drunk driver. My diagnosis was that I crushed C2 – C5 vertebrae and sustained a traumatic brain injury. Fortunately, my brain healed completely. I do not recall the actual accident or the following two months. So, I would say that processing really started a few months after the accident when I had my mind in a spot where I could comprehend and understand what was happening. At that time, my 2 initial questions were:

I have learned that the answer to all questions about neurologic injury is, “I don’t know.” There is not a definitive answer about the recovery process.  There is no guarantee that you will gain any or all sensation or function. While that answer is frustrating, it can also provide you hope for what is possible. I just poured all of my energy and thoughts into healing. I committed to work hard and give it my all. This has allowed me not to question myself about what I could have achieved in my recovery if I had just worked harder. So, my advice to anyone with an injury is to work hard. Work hard and keep trying. Also, know that there is still a lot of life for you to have. There are still ways for you to contribute to the world. It may look different now, but it is still there. Despite my injury being a few years ago, I still have to tell myself this frequently. It can be very disheartening and easy to give up at times, but you have to be your own biggest supporter.

My hope for the future is obviously a cure for paralysis. If I had to choose then my priority would be to have hand and arm function restored. I would also like progress on how to restore core function whether via surgery or exercises. Additionally, I support the time and energy that is poured into revamping our environment to better support those people who do have disabilities. Specifically, I appreciate the focus on improving the travel experience for people in wheelchairs.