We are excited to announce a special online supporter session on Monday 9 December at 6pm.
In this session, we will celebrate 2024 and review the achievements that have been made possible because of our supporters. We will also take a look ahead at plans and hopes for research in 2025.
This is your chance to learn more about our mission to cure paralysis, meet key members of the Spinal Research Team, and ask us questions.
You can secure your place by clicking on the button below.
Together, we will cure paralysis.
Join our supporter sessionIf you have any questions or need assistance accessing the online supporter session please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@spinal-research.org.

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About us
Spinal Research is the UK’s leading medical charity focused on the repair and restoration of the spinal cord.

Get involved today and fundraise to make research happen.

Funding the research
We collaborate with world-class scientists and committees to structure our research funding.