The P-A Blundell Legacy Fund for Spinal Research 

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The P-A Blundell Legacy Fund for Spinal Research was created to continue the remarkable legacy of Paul-André Blundell (P-A). The fund will uphold the tireless work of Rob and Gerri Blundell, P-A’s devoted parents, as well as Steve Blundell, founders of Trust P-A Charity.  They are grateful to their great Trustees, The KRFC, and everyone who has supported and contributed to Trust PA over the years.

Spinal Research is the UK’s leading medical charity focused on the repair and restoration of the spinal cord. We fund and accelerate the most promising lines of research, as well as fostering collaborations between world-renowned scientific institutions.

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About Paul-André Blundell (P-A)

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SCI Ventures Launches Fund to Accelerate Restorative Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury.

How will the P-A Blundell Legacy Fund make a difference?

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Donate to P-A’s fund Shop online and support the fund

"Learning about the current scientific progress inspired P-A to want to be involved in future clinical trials to repair paralysis. His motivation was to tour the UK and lecture on spinal cord injury, its implications, and to share the latest scientific progress and clinical developments." Rob and Gerri Blundell.

About us

Spinal Research is the UK’s leading medical charity focused on the repair and restoration of the spinal cord.  

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About spinal cord injury

When an injury or disease to the spinal cord occurs, the ability of these signals to get to from the brain is affected.

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Funding the research

We collaborate with world-class scientists and committees to structure our research funding.

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