Fundraising zone

Download everything you need to make your fundraiser a success!

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We are here to help make your fundraising a success! Take a look at the downloads and advice below and if you need any further help please get in touch.

Tell us your fundraising plans
Fundraising guide
Running Fundraising Guide
Skydive Fundraising Guide
The Big Bakethrough Guide
Collection tin guidance
Challenge fundraising tips
Fundraising Tips for Event Participants
#TeamSpinal Social Media Guide
Spinal Research – Who we are
Spinal Research Infographic
Spinal Research – SCI stats
Spinal Research – Why we exist
Digital leaflet
Connections newsletter spring 2024

General fundraising materials

Sponsorship form
Join my event posters
Collection bucket cover
Guess the number of sweets form
Fundraising event invites
Sweepstake form
Why your fundraising counts poster
Email Signature
Signature Guide

Get in touch

For more information, help, or support please get in touch. Email info@spinal-research or phone 0203 8247 400

The Big Bakethrough materials

The Big Bakethrough Guide
The Big Bakethrough bunting
The Big Bakethrough guess the number of sweets
The Big Bakethrough invites
The Big Bakethrough no cash sign
The Big Bakethrough labels

Putt for Paralysis (golf fundraising)

Putt for Paralysis guide
Hole sponsored by sign
Putt for Paralysis invites
Putt for Paralysis poster

Your fundraising page

Set up your fundraising page

You can create a fundraising page in a few moments here.

Online fundraising page tips

Take a look at how to get the most from your fundraising page with these tips.

Set up a fundraising page

Set up a JustGiving page in a few moments, the world's leading fundraising platform
Set up a fundraising page

How your money helps

Find out why your fundraising is vital to research.
How your money helps

Pay in Your fundraising

Take a look at the ways that you can pay in your fundraising.
Pay in your fundraising

Keep things safe and legal

Take a look at some guidance on fundraising the right way.
Keeping things safe and legal

Request your t-shirt

Find out how you can get your own t-shirt.
Get your Spinal Research t-shirt