Community stories
Our community is filled with amazing people who have faced unexpected challenges because of spinal injuries. Their stories show us that this can happen to anyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. We are very grateful to everyone who shares their experiences with us.
By sharing their stories, they help us all feel more connected, and inspire us to keep working towards a cure. We admire their bravery and thank them for being such an important part of our community.
If you would like to share your story with us, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Share my story
James' story
In 2015, James suffered a complete spinal cord injury at T4 causing paralysis.
Bel's story
Bel was just eight when she fell from a climbing frame and sustained an injury that left her paralysed.
Michael's story
Michael was in his first year at university at a barbecue with friends, when his back started to ache.
Andy's story
Andy was determined from the start that the spinal injury that left him with limited hand movement aged 18, was not going to stop him in life.
Swen's story
In May 2013, age 35, Swen was riding his motorbike when he was involved in a collision with a car.
Max's story
In 2009, aged 17, Max was playing rugby at school when he was pulled down awkwardly.
Lizzy's story
Lizzy underwent surgery in March 2016 after consultants diagnosed a benign tumour on her spine.
Cameron's story
Cameron recovered from a spinal injury after an ischaemic stroke. Now he aims to help others in their rehabilitation.
Lolly's story
Lorraine, or Lolly, was left paralysed after an incident in a club in 2004.
Ben's story
A rising star in under 21s international rugby, Ben sustained a spinal cord injury on the pitch in 2010.
Lloyd's story
A few months after Lloyd was born, his uncle Alun's life changed after he sustained a spinal cord injury whilst working at a construction site.
Laura's story
Laura was the manager of a yoga and pilates studio, and massively valued her health, when her C2-C5 vertebrae were crushed in a car crash
Kristen's story
Kristen was devastated when her friend Laura was struck by a drunk driver, which left her with a life changing injury
Rob's story
Rob's life was turned upside down when he dove into a swimming pool and broke his neck at C3/4/5.
George's story
George suffered a spinal cord injury due to a road traffic accident aged 17.
Greg's Story
Greg battles with neuropathic pain, however he does not let this determine his life.You may also be interested in

Meet our scientists
We are working with some of the world's leading scientists to accelerate new treatments.

Meet our Ambassadors
We have a small but mighty team of ambassadors with one goal: to cure paralysis.

Meet our PhD students
Studentships have been vital in recruiting and supporting a new generation of dedicated scientists and clinicians in spinal cord injury research.